Food preparation

Food Preparation

Sunnylives was created to give people the power to feel their independence. From helping with preparing meals to cooking dinners for you. Any diet or allergy needs will be attended to with professionalism and confidence to ensure you get the support you need.

It's very easy for someone to overlook regular meals. Often finding food preparation a chore or too difficult, or simply forgetting to eat. Others know they need to eat regularly, but find it too much of a struggle. Therefore, they end up eating all the wrong things, like cakes, chocolate, biscuits, ready meals and other unhealthy choices. These are fine as a treat. But healthy, nutritious meals need care to plan and prepare.

Meals prepared for you 

Preparing fresh meals and portioning them into individual grab-and-go portions to be refrigerated and eaten over the next few days. This is particularly handy for quick lunches. 

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